Down to Earth Friend Memberships

Could you offer regular, monthly support with a Friends membership?

If you could pay a regular amount to our organisation it would be a huge help. As a not for profit organisation we always need help to fund the core costs – things like project staff, equipment and awareness raising. By offering your help you can help make our mission a reality. Help us work with the local community to:

  • Develop new skills and understanding about healthy food
  • Increase access to, and availability of fresh, nutritious and organic, healthy food
  • Reduce food miles and the associated fossil fuel impacts – doing Environmental good
  • Promote best practice in relation to biodiversity and natural balance

Although the environmental issues are large, working on a local, community scale makes things achievable. It benefits local people and, when combined with other local community efforts, it will contribute to tackling the seemingly enormous environmental issues we all face. Your support can make a real difference to local community, wildlife and the environment in a way that benefits us all.

Members typically pay £3, £5 or £10 per month. The amount is up to you. Benefits include helping to restore the natural, environmental balance. Securing our future and developing our reach. Option to attend a project each year to see what we do and how it helps. If you would rather make a one-off donation then please follow this link to go to our secure donation page:

At the bottom of this page are links to a Standing order form which you can complete and give to your bank, a Friends leaflet with our bank details if you want to set up the regular payment yourself and a copy of our latest newsletter for information.

Being a friend doesn’t have to equal money. Other forms of support are equally valuable. Are you a local business looking to donate or participate in some fundraising? Do you have gardening tools and equipment that you could donate? Are you a local garden centre or garden business that can offer tools, time or talent? If you hear of anything on the grapevine bear us in mind. Any opportunity that might help like land available or any of the above, is worth knowing about. Whatever you can do, we thank you for joining as a friend. We have big plans for the future so please, help if you can.

Gardening tools

Tools in the Cinderford shed

Polytunnel building at the Vale Hospital

Polytunnel at the Vale Hospital

Down to Earth Newsletter Sept21

Friends of Down to Earth Leaflet 2021
