We have a variety of local, community growing schemes across the county. Each one provides an opportunity for local people to come together, be active outdoors and grow healthy, nutritious food. All schemes are run by a co-ordinator and a devoted group of volunteers who meet at least weekly. Any produce is shared throught harvest time and everyone learns new skills, works together and has fun! It’s good for you and it’s good for the environment. Find a scheme near you and join in.

You can find out more and to get involved, contact us via email at: info@downtoearthstroud.co.uk

We are looking for volunteers to get involved and help to put in raised beds and seating, build compost bins, grow food, maintain the gardens and share cups of tea. All abilities and experience welcome. This will be an opportunity to make new friends, share knowledge (and tea!) and enjoy being creative.

All you need to bring is some gloves and good sturdy footwear.

Donations of any gardening tools, garden chairs and a table would be very welcome

Project times and details for Down to Earth Growing schemes 2021