Barn Dance ‘Save the Bees’ Fundraiser!

Want to come to a Barn Dance?

Then get your cowboy boots on, some straw to chew on, and we’ll see you on the dance floor, for this fundraiser to keep Bee the Change Project, buzzing!

Saturday the 16th of November, 7pm, Kings Stanley Village Hall, Stroud.

The band who’ll be getting us all dancing will be ‘Life of Riley’:

The ticket price includes delicious food, and there will be a bar as well as a Bee the Change stand with us there to chat bees.

Anyone over the age of 14 is welcome.

Tickets are £15 (includes food)

Payment can be by cheque, BACS or via the Down to Earth website. If paying by the website, select the donate button at the bottom of the home page. Enter the amount (£15 for 1, £30 for 2 etc) and click either the donate paypal or donate with card. You will then get a comments box where you can enter your name.

BACs to Account no. 65766871, Sort Code 08 92 99 – Co-op Bank – please put your name and tickets.
Cheque to Down to Earth at PO Box 427, Stonehouse, GL6 1JG.

Bee the Change Project is a bee conservation not for profit, working to halt the pollination crisis. For more info, take a look at the website: