Alison Adams is a retired dentist with a US master’s degree in Restorative dentistry. She worked in practice for 20 years. Over two decades of occupational mercury exposure followed by an in-surgery mercury spill precipitated a health crisis. This forced her to examine the allopathic medical and dental paradigms she had been taught. She then studied a variety of naturopathic subjects obtaining 8 diplomas including kinesiology and allergy therapy and largely recovered her own health. She subsequently wrote and had published a book and ran two informative websites about metal toxicity and accepted dental procedures as well as the emerging understanding of biological dentistry. In this presentation entitled the Mouth-Body Connection she examines the critical – and mostly overlooked – role the status of the mouth plays in overall health

Monday 30th January 7.30 – 9.30

Stroud Baptist Hall, The Baptist Hall, Union Street, Stroud, GL5 2HE

Tea and coffee available.

Free entry, donations welcome.


For more information please call or email Amanda on

01453 700011