Back again after a week away for a bank holiday and the growing area looks very green and abundant – even if it’s bluebells.

This week there were only 5 of us with a quick visit from Jane at the end looking very much like a lady gardener. We planted more potatoes. If in doubt, plant potatoes! Also cleaned up the green house ready for tomatoes.

Quick coffee and a chat around the fire and then we tidied, weeded and made plans for more planting and reclaiming some little areas of land.

It’s very pleaseing to work with the soil and build up a relationship with the things we’ve planted. I’m sure it makes a difference to the benefits the food gives us when we have grown it ourselves. I have alwas found that I’m not very good at gardening or managing an allottment but working as part of a community has meant that I can share the pleasure of being successfuland have fresh food to eat as well as make some friends.

One such friend was a curious cat who strolled in this week for an inspection. I think we made the grade!