Blog 4 – Selsley Community Growing Scheme
This week was Ruth’s last for a while as she is going off to sunnier climes for a few months. Good job she’s got the hat for it! We wish her well and look forward to hearing all about her adventures when she gets back.
In her place we will have Pete with us for a few months. He has already eyed up a few jobs he’d like to get done for next week so we look forward to his input.
It’s good to see the blossoms on our pear and plum trees to brighten up the wintery scenery.
We got lots done this week planting new seeds, watering the poly-tunnel
and the greenhouses, repairing raised borders and weeding the raspberries and the veg plots.
Good job we made time for a cuppa round the fire and a chat to
Amanda about what we have planned and how everything is
going. So far, I’d say it’s going very well…